德博爾托利La Boheme Missing Act 赤霞珠及好友 750ml2018 La Boheme The Missing Act Cabernet and Friend 紅酒

由 87% 赤霞珠和 13% 桑嬌維塞混合而成,產自維多利亞亞拉河谷地區。香氣濃鬱而複雜,帶有辛辣的香氣,與黑醋栗和香脂的香氣混合在一起。口感有櫻桃、李子、甘草和迷迭香的味道。口感飽滿、優雅,豐滿有質感。橡木與樹葉、野草和成熟果實完美融合。 

Product Details 
A blend of Cabernet Sauvignon 87%, Sangiovese 13% from the Yarra Valley region in Victoria. A potent and complex on the nose with spicy notes that mingle with aromas of blackcurrant and balsamic nuances. The palate tastes of cherries, plums, liquorice, and rosemary. Mouth filling and elegant with lots of plumpness and texture. The oak perfectly fused in leaf, wild herbs and ripe fruit.
288.00 HKD 320.00 HKD